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Trustee Recruitment
Islington People’s Rights (IPR) is seeking to recruit additional trustees for its board, to take responsibility for the governance and strategic direction of this dynamic organisation, committed to reducing poverty. Specific areas of expertise required include: financial management, business planning, fundraising and HR/Personnel.
We will however welcome people with the enthusiasm to work with and learn the necessary skills to be an effective part of the board of trustees. Trustees would join the board of the registered charity, and also be directors of the company limited by guarantee, and act as the Management Committee of the organisation.
IPR is a well-established independent advice agency, providing targeted specialist welfare benefits and debt advice. It was set up in 1969, and has a strong track record of supporting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in society. IPR is proud of its current services that focus on those with mental health issues, disabilities, drug and alcohol problems; as well as carers, ex-offenders and those linked to certain Black Asian Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities. It has small experienced staff team, primarily made up of specialist caseworkers. IPR has
funding from Islington Council confirmed to March 2024, and is financially secure, and is looking to build on this. More information on the IPR website at including our latest Annual Review.
We have 12 trustees currently, and board meetings are held quarterly at the IPR Offices in Holloway, based in the Manor Gardens Centre. They start at 6.30pm and last around 2 hours. There are also occasional working groups, plus other events that IPR is involved with, that trustees can get involved with. There is an AwayDay once a year, and the Annual General Meeting in November. The role of a trustee at IPR is not onerous in terms of time commitment.
If you are interested in joining the IPR Board of Trustees contact the Chief Executive, by emailing your details to