Download a copy of our IPR Annual Review 2015 (PDF)
Chair’s Report
IPR has built on its strengths over the last year. We have supported more people, achieved improved outcomes and diversified our funding. These achievements did not come about by accident but through the commitment of a great team of staff and my fellow trustees.
Over the year we assisted well over 2,500 clients. Around 70% identified as being disabled, many with mental health issues.
The last 12 months have marked a period of consolidation for IPR. We have responded to funding reductions by developing new funding streams for our advice work, essential with further reductions possible. At the same time we have continued to provide a high quality service across a number of community venues with good outcomes and a high level of client satisfaction.
Our aims for the forthcoming year are to maintain and improve the quality of our activities. Thanks to a major grant from the Trust for London we have commenced delivery of advice services and capacity building to Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee organisations in the borough. This will enable IPR to support these groups and their clients more effectively.
I must of course thank all our funders without whom we would be unable to deliver the vital services that we provide; most evidently Islington Council. In addition, I would like to acknowledge the support of Nabarro LLP who have provided continued pro bono help to our clients as well as supporting IPR in other ways.
The demand for our services continues to grow, particularly in the current economic climate. Many of our beneficiaries have been affected by recent changes in the welfare system, notably in relation to disability benefits. Universal Credit is now being introduced, which will replace many benefits for those of working age. The excellent staff, trustees, volunteers and supporters of our work means that we look forward positively to 2016 and beyond.
Tim Aldridge