Download a copy of our IPR Annual Review 2016 (PDF)
Chair’s Report
IPR has built on its strengths over the last year. We have supported more people, achieved improved outcomes and consolidated our funding. These achievements have come about through the commitment of a great team of staff and my fellow trustees. Over the year we assisted over 2,500 clients; around 70% identified as being disabled, many with mental health issues.
The last 12 months have marked a period of consolidation for IPR, and we now have our grant funding from Islington Council confirmed until March 2020, which enables us to plan for the future. We have secured 2 year continuation funding from Trust for London to October 2018 for the Access + project, working with BAMER community communities. We have also been able to secure funding from a number of other charitable trusts for both our Disability Focus project, and work with carers. Funding from the Big Lottery Local Sustainability Fund has enabled us to devote additional resources towards ensuring our sustainability. At the same time we have continued to provide a high quality service across a number of community venues with good outcomes and a high level of client satisfaction. Clearly our aims for the forthcoming year are to maintain and improve the quality of our activities.
Demand for our services continues to grow, related to both ongoing welfare reforms and the current economic climate. Many of our beneficiaries have been adversely affected by recent changes in the welfare system. The new Benefit Cap means several hundred Islington residents are facing difficulties. Universal Credit is being introduced, replacing many benefits for those of working age, and presenting challenges.
Having become a trustee of IPR in 2011 and the Chair for the last two years, I am now standing down as Chair. The role has been hugely fulfilling, and it has been great to see the organisation develop from strength to strength, despite the challenging funding environment. This has been due to our dedicated staff, trustees, volunteers, funders and supporters, and I feel confident for IPR’s future and feel that we can look positively to 2017 and beyond.
Tim Aldridge