The IPR Annual Review can be downloaded here.
Chair’s Report
IPR operates on the frontline of the battle against poverty. The year has once again been dominated by the Covid pandemic and its fallout – its severe impact on disabled people, those in low paid work and people of colour. Our staff and volunteers have worked tirelessly to make sure thousands of residents have received the essential support needed to avoid unmanageable debts and destitution. This is more important than ever as the Cost Of Living Crisis begins to impact majorly on our client group.
Over the 12 months our team returned to face to face appointments where possible although much of the work continues to be remote from people’s homes. It remains to be seen if this is a lasting trend. We know that some people prefer to be able to talk directly to their adviser in the same way that some staff prefer to work in an office and so having both options is important.
Achievements to highlight over the year include securing a three year grant from the Trust for London for IPR Justice. This has not only boosted our support for people’s appeals where they have been refused disability benefits, it has enabled us to have a positive impact on policy and practice around tribunals.
IPR increased capacity to meet the extra demand related to the pandemic and we extended our initiative assisting those with water and other debts. Funding was also secured from health commissioners to deliver a new service for people leaving hospital and others experiencing acute mental ill health. We also linked with the Manor Gardens Centre, where we are based, supporting their clients, including those linked to their emerging social prescribing service.
I must pay tribute to our amazing team of staff, volunteers and Trustees for all of their efforts over the year. They have once again shown a tremendous commitment to keep making a positive impact for people in the greatest need.
I hope that this Annual Review will give you an insight into our work during 2021-2022. It is also a chance for IPR to acknowledge and thank our supporters including the London Borough of Islington and grant making trusts without whom none of this would happen.
David Moore