Funded by City Bridge Trust, IPR Assist gives extra capacity to work with the most vulnerable residents in the borough. Launched in April 2019, this project uses IPR’s experience and local networks to provide intensive support to around 500 people a year. We work with key local partners, notably Help On Your Doorstep (HOYD) to identify those residents most
affected by poverty and most in need of support. Weekly referrals are booked in for appointments at our offices at the Manor Gardens Centre, particularly those requiring specialist welfare benefits advice, casework and representation. The majority of those being referred have disabilities, and problems accessing their full entitlement of benefits.
There are increasing numbers of people living in poverty in Islington. Inequality is on the rise and the borough is becoming more acutely divided between the haves and the have-nots. We know that part of this is related to the benefits system. When people have their benefits suspended, or delayed, with so many living on the breadline, the smallest change in
circumstances can leave people with no money at all.
IPR Assist has helped to make a big difference for well over 1,000 people in poverty in Islington over the first three years.