Tuesday 14 November 6.30pm at Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA
The AGM of Islington People’s Rights is always an interesting and informative event, and is in many ways more of a public meeting.
This year, speakers confirmed to date, include; Cllr Richard Watts, Leader of Islington Council; Ken Kanu, Director of Help on your Doorstep; and Rachel Blackamore from the Natwest Skills and Opportunities Fund.
After the speakers and formal parts of the meeting there will be refreshments and a chance to mingle with trustees, staff, partners and clients. Please contact us if you have any special dietary requirements.
This event is taking place during an unprecedented period of welfare reforms. Islington People’s Rights is striving to ensure that vulnerable residents are able to access the specialist welfare benefits and debt advice that they need.
Free event, all welcome, but please register by 12 noon on the 10th November 2017 through https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/islington-peoples-rights-2017-agm-tickets-28688000582